Following my PhD in using advanced NMR methods to study the bio-polymer lignin at the University of St Andrews, I took up a postdoctoral position at the University of Manchester within the NMR methodology group. My research focused on developing ultra-clean high resolution (pure shift) and ultra-selective NMR experiments. My second postdoctoral position was at Institut Pasteur de Lille where I worked on developing new NMR methods to exploit anisotropic interactions of aligned samples of flexible bio-polymers. In July 2022 I moved to the University of Oxford as the NMR service manager.
I am responsible for the provision and daily management of the NMR Submission Service in the Department of Chemistry. This includes running routine 1- and 2-D experiments, as well as liaising with service users to design and implement more specialised experiments according to their requirements. I am also available to provide assistance and advice in the analysis of NMR data and the use of NMR data processing software.