
Panorama of the NMR laboratory in the CRL


The NMR facility housed in the Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford is one of the largest available to research chemists in the UK.
It houses thirteen solution-state and two solid-state FT NMR instruments with proton operating frequencies ranging up to 700 MHz, which are capable of running most experiments of interest to the research chemist. The facility supports the full range of chemical sciences research across the department and university including synthetic organic and inorganic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, chemical biology, enzymology, metabolomics, catalysis and materials science.
The NMR facility is managed jointly by Dr Nick Rees and Dr Harry Mackenzie, and is operated and maintained by four members of staff in total.

Warning sign Safety notice

There are specific safety hazards associated with the intense stray magnetic fields in the vicinity of the  NMR instruments which may affect or interfere with:
  • heart pacemakers
  • medical implants
  • magnetic bank or ID cards
  • non-LCD watches
As a consequence, specific rules exist regarding access to the NMR laboratories:
  • Anyone with a heart pacemaker must not go beyond the magnetic field hazard warning signs posted in the CRL and will not be allowed access to any NMR laboratory.
  • Anyone with a medical implant must seek approval from either Dr Nick Rees or Dr Harry Mackenzie before entering any NMR laboratory or making direct use of any NMR spectrometer.
  • No laboratory coats are to be worn in the NMR laboratories.
  • No metal objects are to be taken into NMR laboratories.